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Friday, September 7, 2012
New Blog
I have given a lot of thought on my blog and have decided to change the name of my blog. I do not know exactly how Google reader works so it may automatically change but if not feel free to email me at to get to my new blog! I would give you the link but I have not made it yet. Hope all of you join me on my new blog!
Xo K.
Xo K.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Spicy Chicken Rigatoni
I have been in a cooking rut lately. I seem to make the same 5 meals over and over again. One day I was on Pintrest and found a recipe for Spicy Chicken Rigatoni and decided to try it. It was seriously one of the best meals I have had in a while (including restaurants!). Here is the recipe. It is definitely not a healthy meal but I did change some things around to make it a little more figure friendly.
Spicy Chicken Rigatoni
Picture and Recipe from Tastebook
- 1/4 cup oil
- 1/2 Tbs crushed red pepper ( I halved this)
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 1/8 tsp ground black pepper
- 1 Tbs chopped garlic
- 6 oz chicken, sliced
- 3/4 cup. Marinara sauce
- 1/2 cup Alfredo sauce ( I used Light Alfredo)
- 2 tsp butter ( I only used one)
- 1/4 cup peas ( I added a lot more peas)
- 1 lb Rigatoni pasta, cooked according to package directions
- additional 1/2 t crushed red pepper (for garnish) ( I omitted this I am not a fan of very spicy foods but J added some more and loved it)
- 1. In a sauté pan, heat oil over medium heat. Add crushed red pepper, salt, black pepper and garlic and sauté just long enough for garlic to caramelize and red pepper to release flavor into the oil. Add sliced chicken and sauté briefly to coat in spices and garlic.
- 2. Add Marinara Sauce first and then Alfredo Sauce and bring to a simmer. Cook until sauce thickens slightly and chicken has reached an internal temperature of 165°. Turn off flame, add butter and peas and incorporate into sauce.
- 3. Toss pasta with the sauce. Place pasta and sauce in pasta bowl, reserving the majority of the chicken to be placed on top of the pasta. Using a rubber spatula, scrape any remaining sauce from the pan to the pasta. Garnish with crushed red pepper and serve.
P.S. Follow me on Pintrest
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Sunday Social and Football
Happy Sunday ya'll! First let me say that I am so happy my Mountaineers won their last game (for a while) against Marshall.It was so strange not to be at the game and seeing everyone's updates about going to the game but I am so excited to go to the game against JMU at Fed Ex Field!
In honor of football starting I made a WVU wreath to hang on our front door. I love it.
Now for Sunday Social with Ashley and Neely
2. What was your favorite outfit look of the summer/clothing item? I wore sundresses almost every day since it's easy and cute.
3. What is one thing you wish you had gotten to do this summer? I wish I could have gone home and gone to the beach this summer. Although I did go home in May, I spent most of my time setting up for my party and such so I didn't get to go out with my friends or go to the beach.
4. What was your favorite song of the summer? Pontoon by Little Big Town. It just screams Summer.
5. What was your favorite movie/tv show of the summer? Big Brother! I have no idea why (since I am a reality show junky) but I never saw the show before this summer. I hope Danielle wins!
So how was everyone's weekend? Did your team win?
Xo K.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Sunday Social
2. Give us some funny websites that you visit that we need to know about.
I love looking at
3. Pinterest or Facebook? Why? Facebook. I love keeping in touch with my friends from college and home. As much as I love Pintrest I love my friends more.
4. Twitter or Instagram? Why? Twitter. Twitter can keep me entertained for a lot longer. Instagram only keeps me occupied for about 2 minutes.
5. Favorite YouTube video. Post it! I honestly don't ever go on youtube. I don't know why I just can't spend all day on it but this video makes me laugh every time I watch it
6. Biggest online pet peeve? When people write like.... @ the beach.u wish u were as kool as me. Ugh we aren't in middle school anymore. Write like an adult. Also when people are bipolar on facebook. One minute you're saying how much you hate everyone and the next you are having the best day ever. You will be deleted.
What are your internet favorites?
Friday, August 24, 2012
West Virginia Football
This video has me so excited for football. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE summer and do not want it to end but I am ready for football to start. Do I have any Big 12 fans to talk some friendly smack to?
8 Days and counting!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Sunday Social
1. What were you like in Middle School/HS?
In middle school I played a ton of sports. I did gymnastics in the fall, volleyball in the winter and tennis in the spring. In high school I had my group of girlfriends but I socialized with everyone. I was on the volleyball and cheerleading team and was captain of both during senior year (I had to choose between my sports because in high school they were all in fall). I was definitely not in the popular group but I loved high school and wouldn't change anything about that time. Oh and I had really bad hair until sophomore year. Yuck.
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Volleyball |
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Cheerleading |
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Prom 2. What were your favorite past times? Volleyball, cheerleading, hanging out with friends and boyfriend, and of course shopping. 3. What songs were you obsessed with?(Backstreet Boys anyone?) Of course in Middle School (or younger I have no idea) I loved the Spice Girls and N*Sync. In high school I liked Eminiem and Britney Spears. 4. What fashion statement do you look back on and cringe? One time in middle school I wore these bright red pants. Horrible. I definitely looked like a stop sign. 5. Who was your celeb crush? Paul Walker and Jessie McCartney. 6. What were your favorite tv shows/movies? One Tree Hill, Grey's and Laguna Beach. For movies I loved Billy Madision, Happy Gilmore, Elf, and Jerry Maguire. I also watched a ton of Julia Roberts movies. Can I just say how happy I was when I found out Laguna Beach was on MTV again? I love it! Xo K. |
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Sunday Social
It's that time again!
1. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pizza. I would die if I could not eat pizza anymore.
2. What's your guilty pleasure/comfort food? Chocolate chip cookies and my mom's meatballs.
3. What's the weirdest/craziest thing you've ever eaten? Lamb balls from Cattleman's in OK. Not disgusting but I won't be eating them again.
4. What foods do you avoid at all costs? Mushrooms. I can't stand them and I have no idea why.
5. What meal reminds you of your childhood? My mom didn't make a lot of things while I was growing up. We had take out and frozen foods often but my mom makes awesome meatballs and macaroni salad. Yum.
6. Share one of your favorite recipes and the story behind it.
Every time I have friends over to watch football I make Buffalo Chicken Dip. It is so good and easy to make!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Xo K
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Recent Reads
I love curling up with my kindle and reading. I am always looking for a good book so every once and a while I will be posting what I read to help others find new books to read.
"On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick’s clever and beautiful wife disappears from their rented McMansion on the Mississippi River. Husband-of-the-Year Nick isn’t doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife’s head, but passages from Amy's diary reveal the alpha-girl perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge. Under mounting pressure from the police and the media—as well as Amy’s fiercely doting parents—the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he’s definitely bitter—but is he really a killer? "- Amazon
I really enjoyed this book until the end. I still don't understand the ending. Anyone want to explain it to me? 3/5 stars
"For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in the palace and compete for the heart of the gorgeous Prince Maxon."- Goodreads
It is pretty much like reading the Bachelor but with a tiny bit of Hunger games. It was a nice easy read. 3/5
"Divorce attorney Harper James can’t catch a break. Bad enough that she runs into her ex-hubby, Nick, at her sister’s destination wedding, but now, by a cruel twist of fate, she’s being forced to make a cross-country road trip with him. And her almost-fiancé back at home is not likely to be sympathetic. " -Goodreads
I just started reading Kristan Higgins and I have loved all her books so far. This one was no different. 4/5
Xo K.
Follow me on Goodreads-
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Sunday Social
1. What is your favorite fall activity? Going to WVU football games, although this year it will only be one or two games :(
2. Do you follow a football team? If so which one and why?
Of course I root for my Mountaineers.
I like college football more than professional but I root for the Giants since I am from NY.
3. What is something fun about fall in your area? I just moved here so I have no idea. There does seem to be a lot of farms and I love pumpkin picking so I'm excited for that.
4. What are your favorite fall outfit staples? Boots, leggings and a sweater. Comfortable and warm. I cannot wait.
5. What things are you looking forward to most about this coming fall season? Going to the West Virginia vs Oklahoma game and Cancun!
6. What is your favorite fall holiday? Traditions? I love Thanksgiving. Normally I go upstate NY or to Mexico for Thanksgiving but neither of those are happening this year since J will be working. Hopefully we can start our own traditions this year!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Weekly Workouts.
Here are some workouts that I did this week. I love finding a workout on pintrest that I can do at home. I usually do one or two of these workouts with 20-30 minutes of cardio.
and my favorite (my legs are still shaking)
Lean Legs Pyramid from Tone It Up
- 20 squats
- 30 lunges
- 40 toe touches (head forward, legs straight, bend down & touch your toes)
- 50 second wall sit (sit up against a wall, legs at 90 degrees & hold it!)
- 90 second jumping jacks
- 50 second wall sit
- 40 toe touches
- 30 lunges
- 20 squats
And I just want to Congratulate the USA Gymnastics team. I loved watching them and Gabby was awesome. It made me miss gymnastics and yes I teared up when they found out they won.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Sunday Social
I'm back! While I was gone I celebrated my birthday, went out to dinner, and changed the look of my blog. How does it look? I'm finally on my last personal training book and I am hoping to take the test in the next few weeks. I also found out I will be teaching class on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting in September and I am so excited to start!
1. What is your dream job? I love teaching aquatic classes and I wouldn't change it for the world. If I could do anything it would be a clothing or jewelry designer.
2. If you had just won the lottery and didn't need to work for money, what would you do with your time? Travel, lay out at my own private beach, shop. The list can just keep going.
3. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher. I would make up fake tests and put stickers on my dad's old work papers. I was a nerd.
4. What piece of career advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field? I am just starting out in my field. Anyone have any advice for me? :
5. What are your biggest pet peeves in life, blogging, or at work? Slow drivers in the left lane, slurrping soup/ cereal, and people talking on the phone in elevators, buses, trains etc. I don't want to hear your life story sorry.
6. What are your biggest fears? Snakes, failing at something and dying.
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Sunday Social Travel Edition
1. What is the best trip you've ever been on? Cancun. I have been there twice and I am itching to go back as soon as possible. It's warm, the water is gorgeous, and the food is delicious.

2. What is your best idea for a girls weekend trip? I would say NYC. There is tons of different things to do for any price range such as shopping, shows, and great restaurants.
3. What is your best idea for a couples trip? Honestly I would say Cancun again but for some variety I'll say Las Vegas. I have never been there but I would love to go and I think going with a group of people would be a lot of fun.
4. What is the best vacation on the cheap? Montauk! If you want a laid back beach vacation, Montauk is a gorgeous place to go. If you go in September the prices of hotels drop but it's still warm enough to enjoy the beach.
5. What is the place you most want to visit? Hawaii and Bora Bora. I can't choose between the two.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Catch Up
Hey everyone. How was everyone's fourth of July? J and I were suppose to go to a bonfire but due to increased risks of forest fires the party was cancelled. Instead J and I just sat at home watched the DC fireworks on tv and then watched some more fireworks from our balcony. This weekend we hung out at the pool and on Saturday we went out to a local bar and played corn hole. There is a carnival in my town this week and I'm so excited to go on some rides and just walk around. Hope everyone had a great 4th of July and weekend!
My weekly flowers- tulips |
Red white and blue jello shots I made for the party |

Sunday, July 8, 2012
Sunday Social
I am doing my first Sunday Social!
Favorite TV show from the past:
I love Seinfeld. I use to watch it with my dad all the time and now I watch reruns with J.
Favorite Show Currently:
This is really hard for me since I am a tv junkie. If I had to choose I guess it would be Greys Anatomy
What show would you NEVER do?
Getting drunk and making a fool of myself on TV does not sound like fun.
What show would you LOVE to do?
I really want to be on the amazing race. Who wants to try out with me?
TV personality/character that you feel is most
like you?
This was hard. I could not think of anyone but the first person that popped into my head was Brooke from One Tree Hill so why not?
Favorite TV show from the past:
I love Seinfeld. I use to watch it with my dad all the time and now I watch reruns with J.
Favorite Show Currently:
This is really hard for me since I am a tv junkie. If I had to choose I guess it would be Greys Anatomy
What show would you NEVER do?
Getting drunk and making a fool of myself on TV does not sound like fun.
What show would you LOVE to do?
I really want to be on the amazing race. Who wants to try out with me?
TV personality/character that you feel is most
like you?
This was hard. I could not think of anyone but the first person that popped into my head was Brooke from One Tree Hill so why not?
TV character you'd want date:
Mr. Fitz. Hot and smart
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